
Fire wood missing at some windshelters

Fire wood is missing at the following windshelters right now:  

8 Kalven

20 Abbortjärn 

36 Holmtjärn*

39 Öjesjön* 

44 Svarthagstjärnet* 

48 Åltjärn*

49 Holmtjärn*

50 Stora Mörttjärn*

Firewood is delivered continuously. The information ubove is updated as soon as there are changes in the wood supply.

Places marked with * will not have firewood throughout 2023 (due to climate change preventing driving over ice/frozen ground and logging destroying our driveways to the windshelters – however we are working on restoring destroyed roads and finding new ways to get out with firewood).

The wood is often wet this time of year. Take good lighting material with you to start a fire and remember to fire carefully and sparingly.

Best regards, team Glaskogen.