Firewood – current status

Updated 4 October 2024

Firewood at shelters no. 28 and 32

You will now saw and split your own firewood from birch logs grown in Glaskogen at shelters no. 28 and 32.

On-site, there are logs, a sawhorse, and tools for sawing and splitting the wood, along with instructions on how to use them.

Please be mindful of your own and others’ safety when using sharp tools. If logs or tools are missing, please notify the Infocenter in Lenungshammar, so we can fix delivery as soon as possible.

Firewood is missing at the following wind shelters right now: 

  • 7 Klädsträcksberget
  • 14 Skagern
  • 23 Dakka
  • 26 Södra Sundsudden
  • 36 Holmtjärn*
  • 39 Öjesjön
  • 44 Svarthagstjärnet* 
  • 54 Lerviksudden

Places marked with * are difficult for us to reach, but we hope to be able to deliver firewood to these places later on during 2024.

The wood is often wet this time of year. Take good lighting material with you to start a fire and remember to fire carefully and sparingly.

Hiking Trails – current status

Updated 10 JuLy 2024

Trail over Rödvattensberget

At the moment, we do not recommend hiking on the trail over Rödvattensberget, where wind shelter no. 44 is located. (Glaskogen map S19-S21). This is because a large number of spruces have died as a result of spruce bark beetle infestation in the Natura 2000 area. These firs have a tendency to quickly become brittle and suddenly fall or break off, which means that staying in this area is risky. The trail is also difficult to access due to already fallen trees.

To hike between Dammarna and Gängene, we instead recommend the hiking trail from Dammarna, along the shoreline at Stora Gla via Rämåna, further on to Gängne along a gravel road.